From The Pass

Employees and Businesses in mental health
Employees and Businesses in mental health
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Create a positive and encouraging workplace
Having worked alongside colleagues who have suffered with mental health issues, whether it be back of house or front of house, I felt compelled to bring these situations out into the open and create dialogue around the solutions.

We tend to be masters of the mask. Back of house wear masks to disguise any weakness in the kitchen. Front of house wear the mask to be hospitable and welcoming to our guests.

An example of this is 16 years ago when I first started my career, I lost a good friend and colleague to suicide. He had mastered the art of the mask as we were all left with no idea of any pressures or stresses he may have been facing.
"We must not only look after our guests, but also look after each other as a family, as a community."
- Nathan Ward, Founder, From The Pass
MORE THAN 50% of Kiwis experience mental distress and or addiction

ONLY 3% of the population have access to specialist mental health services

The World Health Organisation predicts that mental illness will be the leading cause of disability and absence in the workplace by 2030 if it’s not proactively addressed.
We are non-profit INITIATIVE promoting proactive accessible supportive well-being solutions inthe hospitality sector  
2020 Auckland Fundrasing Evening
The inaugural FROM THE PASS charitable dinner. The proceeds raised assist towards setting up an online platform to EDUCATE and SUPPORT both Employees and Hospitality Businesses in mental health. In creating a positive and encouraging workplace, through education, compassion, and awareness, we can help rebuild the hospitality industry. To take proactive steps to support individuals and keep them safe from the harmful effects of stress. To attract talented Kiwis to develop their Hospitality careers on our own shores with support, culture, fulfilling salaries and an achievable work/ life balance. Where altogether we are treated with dignity and respect.
A candid discussion on the industry
'Pay-as-you-feel' Community Restaurant Everybody Eats Jamie Johnson and From The Pass's Nathan Ward in a candid discussion and their views on the current state of the industry.
2021 Lockdown force Event postponment
Sadly we have had to postpone the 2021 event. We are currently working on an alternative date which we will announce as soon as we know more with the covid restrictions. Stay safe and look after one another
Course Introduction
Good Mental Health is a significant component of wellness at work and a contributor to the stresses and unhealthy patterns that can lead to a dysfunctional work/life balance, and in worst case scenarios, serious mental health illnesses and suicide.


The World Health Organisation indicated an annual global age-standardised suicide rate of 10.5 deaths per 100 000 population in 2016
  • The highest rate in New Zealand on record was in 1998 at 15.00 deaths per 100,000 population.
  • From 1996 to 2016, the rate of suicide decreased significantly from 14.2 to 11.3 deaths per 100,000 population, a decrease of 20%.
  • The lowest rate between 1996-2016 was in 2014 (10.8 per 100,000).
  • The rate in 2017/18 was 13.67 deaths per 100,000 population.
  • Suicide was the second leading cause of premature death for Māori males and the fourth leading cause of premature death for all non-Māori males.
  • Men of working age (20–65) account for more than half of all suicides.
The provisional youth suicide rates are at near-record levels in 2019/20, especially amongst young Māori, this signals a significant problem.
Whilst the majority of those who die by suicide do not have a diagnosed mental health problem, there is an increased risk of suicide or self-harm by people who experience mental health and/or substance abuse problems
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Creating a positive and encouraging workplace through Education and Compassion
Website by NZExposure
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